Hope Kids

We want these little ones to experience the gospel in a way they can understand. During the service each week, Hope Kids offers a time of discipleship and fun for kids 4th grade and below.

  • All volunteers are background checked and trained to keep our children safe and protected.

    We never allow an adult to be alone with a child, and we have safety protocols in place to ensure that no unauthorized personnel have access to our kid’s space or nursery.

  • In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me.” His heart is that the smallest and least important (in the world’s eyes) be invited to meet with him.

    We seek to embody the same heart with our children’s ministry, making gospel truth accessible to all age groups, and growing our kids up in the fear (relational reverence) of the Lord.

  • Weekly lessons walk through stories and key passages from the Bible, with fun activities that reinforce the big idea. It’s a blast!

  • We keep the kids in the service for the first half so that we can all worship as a family. Hope Kids is then released just before the sermon.

    You’re welcome to sign your child in before the service in the back, or you can accompany them back and sign them in once they’re released!

Nursery also available!

Follow signs to the back half of the building!